Father’s rights to school and medical records

Whether you are an adoptive parent or a biological parent, once you have established paternity, you have certain rights over how your child should be raised. With the divorce rate spiking each year, and the high number of unwed parents, father’s rights have been getting a lot of attention.

As a father, you might want the right to access or collect your child’s school and medical records. According to the federal law of The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), certain rights are awarded to both custodial and non-custodial parents. These rights include:

? Access to the child’s school records.

? Permission to have the records updated.

? Permission to file a complaint with the Department of Education if you have reason to believe quality education is not being provided by the school.

As a responsible father, you may also want to ensure that your child is getting the proper medical care he or she deserves. This may be achieved only if you can review the medical records of your child. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) permits parents the right to access the medical and health records of their child, under normal circumstances. The access may only be denied in special situations if the state law prohibits the access.

If you think you need help in understanding your rights as a father, then you might want to consider hiring an attorney. A skilled lawyer may also provide you with accurate information that is in line with federal and state laws, so you are aware of the rights and regulations before you request the records.


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