How can I be a better father?

After a divorce, your children will need you more than ever. That’s why it’s so important to take a look at your skills as a father to determine whether there are any areas in need of improvement. Very Well Family offers the following advice in this case, which allows you to forge a healthy, loving relationship with your child that lasts a lifetime.

If you have joint custody with your ex, it’s important that remain civil to one another. Of course, this is often easier said than done, especially when infidelity or other serious issues led to the demise of your marriage. Despite these circumstances, you and your ex must work together to raise your child in a loving and responsible matter. This entails remaining polite and respectful, particularly when in front of your kids. 

In this case, creating a parenting plan is key. A parenting plan can include important scheduling arrangements, such as who is responsible for picking your child up from school. It can also lay the groundwork for how you and your ex will deal with major decisions, such as those relating to academic matters or medical care. A parenting plan provides a framework that you can refer back to when issues arise regarding child-rearing. It can also help you avoid damaging conflicts, which can affect your children as well. 

If you’re ordered to pay child support, keep in mind that this is so your child can receive the items he or she needs to have a safe, comfortable life. While you may find fault with the way your ex spends the money you provide, you can’t use this as an excuse to stop paying. The court is likely to find you in contempt, which can lead to a myriad of legal issues. If you have concerns about child support, take them up with the court. You may be able to have the order modified so that it benefits all invovled. 


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