Child custody and summer break

Parents often have many considerations when it comes to divorce and their children, from child support payments they will need to make (or expect to receive) and discussing these issues with young kids. However, custody can be an especially challenging issue for many parents for various reasons. For some parents, the summer is a great time to approach the custody process because kids are out of school. For example, sharing parental responsibilities with an ex may be easier when school obligations are not part of the picture. On the other hand, this time of year can also be challenging with respect to custody.

If your child is out of school, they may be exposed to stressors and negative emotions while you or your child’s other parent work through the divorce process. It may be easier to discuss this topic with your child during this time of year, since they are not occupied with homework and spending most of their days in the classroom. If you and your ex will share custody, this may be a convenient season to familiarize yourself with the changes in your lives since children do not have to be taken to and from school every day. On the other hand, issues related to childcare may arise, especially if you work.

These are just some of the custody-related issues you may need to consider, and it is important to go over the ins and outs of your case from a legal standpoint. Please browse through our website to view more on the custody process.

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