What to Know About Uncontested Divorce in Illinois

If you are facing an uncontested divorce in Illinois, it is important to know what to expect. To learn the issues that will need to be resolved, what a joint simplified dissolution is, and the steps of an uncontested divorce, continue reading and contact our experienced Morton divorce lawyer.

What issues will need to be resolved in an uncontested divorce?

Couples will have to agree on all divorce-related issues to finalize an uncontested divorce. This includes matters such as child custody, spousal maintenance, child support, property and debt division, and more. Spouses are often capable of agreeing on all aforementioned issues. However, an uncontested divorce can quickly turn into a contested one. Disagreeing on just one aspect of your divorce is enough for a divorce to become contested. This is why it is important to retain the services of an experienced Tazewell County uncontested divorce lawyer.

What is a joint simplified dissolution?

A joint simplified dissolution is filed by certain couples in Illinois who meet specific criteria. A joint simplified dissolution is a quicker uncontested divorce. You should be able to file a joint simplified dissolution if you and your spouse can agree on all terms of your divorce and meet the following qualifications:

  • You both agree to waive alimony
  • You’ve lived separate and apart from one another for at least six months
  • You both meet the residency requirements
  • You and your spouse have been married for less than 8 years
  • You and your spouse each earn less than $20,000 per year and earn less than $35,000 combined per year
  • You don’t have children with your spouse and you aren’t expecting to have any
  • You are not a homeowner and you have less than $10,000 in jointly-owned marital property

What can I expect during the uncontested divorce process in Illinois?

If you are not filing a joint simplified dissolution, the first step you will take in an uncontested divorce is to file the uncontested divorce forms and one spouse serving the other the divorce papers. Next, you will file the forms with a clerk at your local courthouse and pay the filing fee. You will then complete a form from the Bureau of Vital Statistics. The final step you will take is to attend the final divorce hearing where the judge will evaluate your settlement, ask for a brie testimony, and sign your divorce order which will finalize your divorce.

Contact Our Experienced Illinois Firm

At Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C., our divorce lawyer can assist you with any divorce or family law matter you may be facing. We provide confident and dedicated legal counsel for the following legal matters: divorce, alimony, division of marital assets, child custody, and child support. Contact us today.

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