As a high-net individual, you may have a lot on the line when it comes to a divorce. So, it is understandable that you would like to keep these matters as confidential as possible. Continue reading to learn what methods can help you maintain privacy and how an experienced Tazewell County high net worth divorce lawyer at Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C., can assist you during your divorce.
Can alternative methods of divorce help with privacy?
Unique to litigation, alternative methods of divorce allow for more anonymity when it comes to making settlement agreements on alimony, property division, child support, and child custody. This is because these divorce proceedings do not take place in the presence of an Illinois court, so the public records will not include your settlement terms. Below are the types of alternative methods of divorce that may work for you and your spouse:
- Mediation: this divorce process involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who assists you and your spouse in finding a settlement agreement that works for both of your best interests. Importantly, your mediator does not necessarily have to be an attorney.
- Collaboration: this divorce process involves attorneys that represent you and your spouse, and they use negotiation techniques to move through the proceedings. Importantly, you, your spouse, and your respective attorneys will sign an agreement before the collaboration that promises confidentiality and denies the chance of litigation.
- Arbitration: this divorce process involves an arbitrator who acts much like a judge and who makes the final decision on all settlement terms.
Are there other methods that can be used to help with privacy?
If you and your spouse are not amicable and litigation is your best resolution, there are still other ways in which you can secure the privacy of your divorce proceedings. Some examples are as follows:
- Create a temporary agreement: with the help of your respective attorneys, you and your spouse can protect your privacy interests by agreeing to abide by specific terms throughout the proceedings. Importantly, this agreement will not be included in the public records when done outside of the courtroom.
- Review your prenuptial agreement: if you and your spouse went through with this document before your marriage, go over the terms that you agreed upon. This document may include privacy clauses that ensure you or your spouse cannot speak publicly about the divorce. Importantly, there may be clauses that can allow you to determine settlements outside of the courtroom that will not be included in the public records.
- Consider your grounds for divorce: your grounds can become public knowledge. So, for example, citing fault grounds for adultery may be worse for your public perception than citing no-fault grounds for irreconcilable differences.
If you need further assistance with maintaining privacy, you can rely on a skilled Morton divorce lawyer.
Contact Our Experienced Illinois Firm
Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C., today for effective and compassionate legal counsel for the following legal matters: divorce, alimony, division of marital assets, child custody, and child support.