How Long Should I Keep My Divorce Records?

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After a Morton divorce lawyer from our firm helps you with your divorce, you’ll probably realize that you have an awful lot of paperwork to contend with. Can you just get rid of all of it and get a fresh new start? This can be tempting, but there are many good reasons to keep your divorce records. In fact, we do not recommend getting rid of them at any point.

Do I Need to Keep Divorce Records Forever?

Honestly, we do advise people to keep their divorce records forever. There is no compelling reason to get rid of them and you are going to regret it if you cannot find them when you need them. There are a few reasons why you might need them in the future, especially if you were married for a long time, so you want to be prepared for all possibilities.

You can store your divorce records in a safe place, like a bank safety deposit box. Keeping them in a durable safe or lockbox in your home is also a good idea. We also recommend making digital copies of everything. You will still need the originals for some things, but it’s always good to have some backups.

What Do I Need Divorce Records For?

So why do you need to keep all of this stuff? There are a few reasons why you may need to refer to your divorce records. One document that absolutely needs to be kept safe is your separation agreement. This contains all of the terms and conditions of your divorce. It mentions your alimony agreement, child custody arrangements, and more. If your spouse does not follow the terms of this agreement, you can bring them to court and use your divorce records as evidence.

You will also need your divorce records if you want to change your name. You have to update your name on everything, from your passport to your credit cards, so having these documents can make the process easier.

Finally, keep a copy of your marriage license if you were married more than 10 years. This can allow you to claim Social Security benefits later.

What Happens If I Remarry?

Another important reason to keep your divorce records is that having access to your divorce decree allows you to remarry. Even if you have no plans to marry again right now, you have no clue what the future will look like. Holding onto your records gives you proof that your previous marriage agreement has been terminated, and that allows you to marry another person.

Talk to Our Attorneys Today

If you are going through a divorce, don’t negotiate for a fair deal on your own. Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. to learn more about how our attorneys can help you stand up for your interests and fight for the best possible outcome. Schedule your consultation today.

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