Can I Date During the Divorce Process?

man and woman on coffee date

There’s nothing technically stopping you from going on a date or two while you are divorcing. Your actions can complicate matters though, especially if your divorce is already a little bit messy. This is why you may want to talk to your Tazewell County contested divorce lawyer before you put yourself out there.

Is it Legal to Date During the Divorce Process?

There’s nothing illegal about going on a date or being with a new person while you get a divorce. It can cause issues though, especially if you and your spouse are already not on good terms. This can also be stressful and difficult if your spouse is accusing you of adultery or anything like that. They might try to use the fact that you’re dating someone new against you, even if you have already been separated for months.

What Do I Need to Be Careful About If I Date During the Divorce Process?

So if you are going to date during your divorce process, you need to take some precautions. We recommend that you do not:

  • Share any protected information about your divorce case with the person you date
  • Try to introduce this new person to your kids too early
  • Make an excessive amount of social media posts about the new relationship
  • Move in with a new person
  • Start a family with a new person during a divorce
  • Spend excessively on your new partner

Essentially, making it seem like your new partner is the top priority for you can end up looking bad. Spend a lot of money on them, and your spouse might say that you are wasting marital assets and making the property division process more difficult. Introduce a new partner to your kids too early and you could strain your relationship or give your spouse a chance to challenge custody or visitation rights. You must tread carefully in every aspect of your life until your divorce is finalized.

Can My Spouse and I Make Our Own Agreement About Dating During the Divorce?

If you and your spouse are on good terms, you may be able to work out an agreement that allows you to both date during the divorce without having it used against you. If you accept that the marriage is over and many issues are uncontested, this can be a good way to set ground rules for now and for later on. For example, you can figure out now how you handle new partners and custody or visitation. Should dating partners be around on your weekend with the kids? Can someone stay overnight when the kids are at your home? This is a good way to protect yourself and the interests of your children.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you want to learn more about how we can help you fight for a fair deal in your divorce, contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. and schedule a consultation. Our lawyers are ready to advocate for you and your interests.

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