Farm Assets in a Divorce

Farm Assets in a Divorce

There are few things more important to farm owners than protecting their farm and their way of life, and if you need an experienced Morton divorce lawyer who can protect your farm assets in a divorce, you’ve come to the right place. Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. to learn more about how our firm can assist you.

Farm Assets in a Divorce | Protecting Your Illinois Farm Assets

Unlike the urban center of Chicago and its surrounding suburban landscape, much of Central Illinois is home to large farm fields, farmers and their families. At Butler Giraudo & Meister, P.C., we help couples involved in the farming industry reach amicable divorce settlements and resolve their family law matters effectively. At our firm, you can find an aggressive Morton divorce lawyer who will protect your rights and fight to achieve positive results on your behalf to best position you for success during the next stage of your life.

Division Of Farm Assets in a Divorce

In Illinois, marital property typically consists of all assets and debts that were accumulated during a marriage. Complications can arise, however, when couples commingle their marital property with property they owned individually before marriage, or with property they obtained through inheritance or via gift. The same legal principles apply to farming couples going through the divorce process. It is vital to have an experienced divorce attorney to ensure that farm assets are equitably divided between spouses and that family farm interests are protected to the extent allowable.

Our family law lawyers are experienced in handling the complex property disputes which can arise during divorce. These farming interests must be valued and distributed:

  • Crops (both growing and stored)
  • Livestock
  • Farm equipment and machinery
  • Farmland and tenancy issues

At our law office, we consult with business valuation experts, accountants and real estate appraisers to arrive at fair and supported valuations which serve as a basis for the overall property distribution between the spouses.

In addition to helping couples divide farm property, we also address all other marital property division matters such as the division of retirement assets, investment property and business interests, as well as the allocation of responsibility for payment of marital debt.

Morton Divorce Lawyer | Protecting Your Farm Assets in a Divorce

We know that our farmers and spouses of farmers work very hard to make a living. Our legal team is dedicated to helping families who own farms through every step of the divorce process in an effort to achieve the best result possible on their behalf. Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. to schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.

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