Back spousal support and social security

This blog has covered some of the different consequences that come with falling behind on spousal support, such as the amount of stress that people may experience when they are unable to stay current. Moreover, the IRS states that back spousal support can lead to the interception of tax refunds. However, people should recognize that many other potential consequences could lie ahead if spousal support is not paid. For example, unpaid spousal support can affect social security benefits.

According to the Social Security Administration, social security is withheld under certain circumstances, such as one’s failure to pay spousal support. When social security is withheld, a person may have a wide range of negative consequences to deal with. Aside from the obvious financial implications, such as an inability to enjoy the quality of life one had prior to having benefits withheld, other consequences may arise. The withholding of social security benefits can lead to an incredible amount of stress and some people who go through this may not have any idea of how to address the situation.

Fortunately, there are options for some people who have had their social security benefits withheld due to non-payment of alimony. For example, some can set up a payment plan and get themselves back on track. Moreover, people who are required to pay spousal support can sometimes have their obligations reduced if their financial situation changes considerably. From losing a job to health issues, many problems can arise that make it tough for people to pay alimony.

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