What Is The Best Way to Handle a High-Conflict Custody Battle?

father with daughter

Any custody battle can be stressful, but a high-conflict custody battle can really push you to your limits. Fortunately, there are some ways to deal with this kind of situation while minimizing stress and continuing to fight as hard as you can for a favorable agreement. A Tazewell County child custody lawyer from our firm can help you do that.

How Should I Communicate With My Spouse During a High-Conflict Custody Battle?

One thing that can get people in trouble during these stressful conflicts is saying something that they shouldn’t. This is why you need to carefully control how you communicate with your spouse and deal with their attempts to stoke more conflict. We recommend:

  • Not responding to communications right away
  • Taking time to cool off
  • Keeping all communications in writing

When you do these things, you reduce your chances of adding more fuel to the fire in a high-conflict custody battle. You also have a record of your communications with your spouse.

What Helps to Determine the Outcome of a Custody Battle?

It’s also important to focus on some of the factors that help determine the outcome of most custody battles. The judge will look at elements like:

  • The existing relationships between the parents and the children
  • The mental and physical health of the children and parents
  • The children’s preference, if they are old enough
  • Each parent’s ability to encourage the children to maintain their relationship with the other parent

Focus on what’s important instead of the drama with your spouse.

How Can I Deal With Stress From a High-Conflict Custody Battle?

It’s also important to take care of yourself when you go through a high-conflict custody battle. Having a support network or therapist to talk to can be helpful. Just be careful about venting to just about anybody. You do not want someone running off to your spouse to tell them what you said.

Also avoid badmouthing your spouse in front of your kids, no matter how bad things get. They are already going through a stressful time and this won’t make things any easier for anyone.

Could Mediation or Other Dispute-Solving Methods Help?

Your lawyer could also explore other dispute-solving methods during a high-conflict custody battle. Litigation is often stressful, but you may find that you and your spouse can lower the temperature by looking at alternatives.

One example of this is the mediation process. A neutral mediator can work with you and your spouse and help you come to an agreement that works for both of you. This does not work for every couple, but it may be worth a shot.

Talk to a Family Lawyer Today

Handling a high-conflict custody battle on your own can be extremely difficult. Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. and schedule a consultation with our team to learn more about how an experienced family lawyer can help you in this situation. We are ready to advocate for you.

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