Yes, social media can complicate your divorce

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms seem to be everywhere these days. In fact, you probably cannot walk into a restaurant or store without seeing someone documenting the experience on social media. While most posts are harmless, some could complicate your divorce proceedings. 

Whether you are thinking about filing for divorce or have already started the process, you must be careful about what you post online. Also, if you have children, you may need to take additional steps to protect your kids from unfair exposure. Either way, you should know a few things about how social media intersects with divorce proceedings. 

Even private posts can become public 

Using social media to gripe about your future ex-spouse may be tempting. After all, typing angry words can be incredibly cathartic. It can also weaken your position in divorce court. Even if you only have a few friends on social media, your posts may not stay private. As you may imagine, listening to your spouse’s lawyer read your angry posts to a judge can be awkward. 

Social media posts can backfire 

Not all divorcing spouses are angry. If you and your soon-to-be ex have decided to work collaboratively to dissolve your marriage, social media posts may turn your otherwise amicable divorce into an outright battle. Moreover, if you have started dating someone new, your posts may hurt your current spouse. As such, taking a break from social media may help you finalize your divorce in a way that benefits you. 

Social media can affect child custody 

When determining who should have custody of children, Illinois family court judges must think about the best interests of your kids. If your social media posts call your parenting skills into question, you can expect your spouse to use them against you. Additionally, when negotiating a custody agreement, you may want to address social media posts. Putting posting restrictions in your parenting plan may help you avoid future custody disputes. 

Even amicable divorces can be heartbreaking and stressful. Nonetheless, you can likely increase your chances of reaching an acceptable conclusion by not making certain social media posts. While it may be difficult to step away from social media until you finalize your divorce, doing so may be a smart legal strategy.

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