How to be an involved father after divorce

If you are a divorced dad in Illinois, and your ex got primary custody, you may be struggling with how to stay involved and relevant in your child’s life. Even though things are different, there are things you can do to make a better connection with your child, even when you are apart. There are also things you can do if you want to have more of a custodial role as a father.

If you are struggling with how to deal with being away from your child, outlines some ways you can put on a good front and show up for your kid. One is to remain positive and honest, even when you are feeling anything but, because this will help the confidence of your child. You should also always keep your promise, whether it is a certain time you will call or showing up for visitation on time. No matter how hard it may be, honor your ex-spouse and never say a bad thing or fight in front of your child.

If joint or even full custody is an eventual goal, Very Well Family discusses certain things you should be doing to improve your chances. These include:

  • Paying child support in full and on time
  • Staying involved in child’s life by communicating regularly and attending child’s activities
  • Making plans regarding living arrangements, financial responsibilities and education
  • Talking to, and receiving advice from, others about the custody process 
  • Being completely honest to yourself about being able to take on more responsibility as a father


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