Things to consider when divorcing during the holidays

For people in troubled marriages, the holiday season can be one of hope, and one of despair at the same time. On the one hand, a spouse may believe that the holiday spirit can buoy the marriage and encourage the couple to revert back to happier times. On the other hand, it may be another exercise of futility featuring visits to in-laws that a spouse can hardly stand.

With these factors playing out during the holiday season, many troubled couples wonder if divorcing during the holidays is ever a good idea. A recent report from the, sheds some light on this issue.

Essentially, the holiday season puts a spotlight on marital relationships, especially those involving children. Because of this, a break up could have greater repercussions that affect people outside of the marriage. There may be more anger, resentment and hard feelings that come from extended family members because of how this season was “chosen” to drop a divorce bombshell. After all, who wants to be forever remembered as the couple who got divorced during Christmas?

For those who may not want to make waves, take solace in knowing that a number of divorces are initiated in January. There are several reasons behind this, including the notion that a new year should begin with wholesale changes to troubled marriages (especially divorce). In the meantime, a meeting with an experienced divorce attorney would not hurt. The more information you have about the process, and your rights and responsibilities, the better prepared you will be once you decide to end the marriage.

Source:, “The straight dope about the holidays: What top expect, how to make to the New Year,” Alison Patton, November 19, 2013

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