Can unpaid child support affect a passport application?

Parents who have fallen behind on their child support payments could face numerous consequences, such as the threat of arrest, garnishment of their wages, or the interception of their tax refunds. However, it is vital for non-custodial parents who are in this position to recognize some of the other potential consequences of child support delinquency. For example, a parent who owes back child support may be unable to apply for a passport in Peoria, or any other Illinois city.

The U.S. Department of State reports that owing more than $2,500 in back child support renders a parent unable to successfully apply for a passport. Parents who owe at least $2,500 in unpaid child support must first pay arrears before their passport application will be approved. If you are facing these difficulties, you should also be aware that the process can take a few weeks, which underlines the importance of handling these problems in a timely manner.

An inability to obtain a passport could have a negative impact on your life in diverse ways. For example, you might be unable to be a part of important family events, such as a wedding. Or, you could be unable to cross the border for business purposes. If you are struggling with an inability to pay child support, or are worried that your financial challenges could interfere with your ability to make payments in the future, you should look into your options. In fact, you might be able to modify the child support order. This post does not stand in place of qualified legal help.

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