DUI charges and custody disputes

Whether you cannot pay your child support and want to modify your child support order or you have stress related to the distribution of marital property, family law issues can be incredibly challenging. However, if you are a father who is worried about the outcome of a child custody dispute, daily life can seem daunting. Moreover, in Peoria, and cities all around Illinois, there are other factors that could have an impact on the court’s decision, such as being charged with driving under the influence. Our law firm knows the multitude of factors that can come into play with these scenarios and the importance of parents in this position closely assessing their options.

There are a number of reasons why parents may find themselves in this position. Sometimes, a one-off decision could lead to DUI charges, while another parent may have driven under the influence in part because of the extreme stress they were facing. For example, someone who has split up with their spouse may have their entire life thrown off, whether they have had to relocate or are facing a significant level of stress, which can all factor into drunk driving charges. Unfortunately, these charges can be very damaging for a parent’s reputation and could be held against them in a custody dispute with their child’s other parent.

If you are facing these problems, it is paramount for you to go over all of your legal options and focus on a healthy outcome for your child. On our fathers’ rights page, more information related to child custody is available.

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