How Can I Reduce Stress Throughout The Divorce Process?

woman stressed about divorce

You probably have heard that divorce is a highly stressful process. A person’s entire life can be different once their divorce is finalized. Not only are there countless important decisions to be made, but the legal proceedings can be costly if the process is prolonged. It’s no surprise that many divorcing spouses wonder about the best ways to avoid stress during the divorce process. No need to worry because our knowledgeable legal team has all the answers you’ll need! Continue reading to learn more, or reach out to a Morton Divorce Lawyer for individualized legal counseling.


Reducing stress during the divorce process can ensure that the proceedings run smoothly. The best ways to minimize stress and effectively manage emotions during this time include:

  • Find a support system. Divorce is inevitably a difficult time emotionally, and there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Lean on supportive friends and family, and consider joining a divorce support group.
  • Focus on caring for yourself. Blaming yourself is one of the biggest mistakes you can make after a divorce. Try not to be hard on yourself, and take the time to practice self-care. This can even include simple things like treating yourself to coffee.
  • Consider divorce counseling or therapy. A mental health professional may be able to help you find the most effective ways to cope with your divorce. You can speak openly and honestly with a counselor without fear of judgment, and they can teach you techniques for handling stress.
  • Avoid conflict with your spouse. It can be easy to let your feelings get the best of you, but don’t try to pick a fight with your former spouse. This will only make the process more difficult for both of you.
  • Try to keep a positive mindset. It’s much easier said than done, but maintaining a positive mindset can make a difficult situation much easier. Use this time for self-reflection and remember that this process is for a better future.


Hiring a divorce lawyer means you’ll have a professional helping you protect your wants and needs during legal proceedings. Your divorce lawyer should have your best interests in mind, so you can expect them to determine which divorce options would be most beneficial to you. More and more people are turning to divorce mediation, which tends to make the legal process much less stressful for divorcing spouses. A mediator can work with both spouses to come to a reasonable agreement without unnecessary legal battles in a courtroom. Either a lawyer or mediator can ensure you have nothing to worry about throughout this process because they will handle the legal proceedings.

If you’re considering filing for divorce in Illinois, you deserve a trustworthy divorce attorney who can guide you through every step of the legal process. Thankfully, our highly experienced law firm is on your side! Contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister today for an initial consultation.

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