How Can I Ensure the Best Interests of My Child in a Divorce?

father with daughter

Going through a divorce is tough on everyone, but it can be especially hard if you have a child that you want to protect from the worst parts of the process. It can be difficult to protect a child from everything, but you can take some steps to mitigate the harm that this process can cause. A Morton divorce lawyer can help you with that.

How Can I Protect My Child During the Divorce Process?

Divorce is going to be stressful for you, but you should do everything that you can to make sure that you are not passing this stress down to your child. This means doing your best to ensure that:

They see minimal conflict: It can be difficult, but you want to make an effort to keep children sheltered from any fights between you and your soon-to-be ex. Frequently seeing arguments between their parents can cause children a lot of pain.

You do not badmouth your spouse: You probably have a lot of issues with your spouse. Your children are not the people to vent to about that. Try to keep it positive when you talk about the other parent of your children, no matter how difficult that may seem.

Talk about their feelings: Even young children can understand that something is going on. You do not have to give them all of the details, but being honest when your kids ask questions and being willing to talk about their feelings can make a big difference.

You take care of yourself: You cannot be there for your kids in a difficult situation if you are not taking good care of yourself. Make sure that you are addressing your own mental health needs so that you have the energy to help your children with this transition.

How Can I Make Things Easier for My Child After the Divorce?

Once the divorce is completed, your child will probably need more support as they settle into a new normal of visitation schedules and split holidays. You can make things easier for your kids by:

  • Expressing interest in what they did when they were with your ex
  • Enrolling them in therapy if it seems like that could help
  • Working hard to develop a good co-parenting relationship
  • Not making your kids pawns in future arguments with your ex
  • Continuing to be available and talking to your children about their feelings

Contact Our Family Lawyers

When you are going through a divorce, you need someone who will advocate for you at every step of the process. So contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. and schedule a consultation with our team to learn more about what our divorce lawyers can do to assist you. We are ready to help you and your family in this trying time.

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