What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Divorce?

couple arguing on couch

Divorce can be a stressful process, and that makes it easy to make mistakes. Some of these mistakes can cause long-lasting problems, so you really want to be careful about how you compose yourself and how you deal with the many issues that are bound to come up during the divorce process. A Morton divorce lawyer can help you fight for your interests and avoid some of the common mistakes made in divorces.

What Are Some Common Mistakes Parents Make in a Divorce?

Divorce can be even more difficult when kids are involved. This is a stressful time, but it’s important that you do your best to shelter them from the worst of it. Involving your kids by badmouthing your spouse to them or attempting to use them as props in divorce negotiations is a terrible idea.

You have to control your emotions and be the adult here. Your kids are going through enough and you should not be subjecting them to any extra pain simply because it would also hurt your spouse. Not only is this behavior unlikely to help you in your divorce, but it is likely to damage your relationship with your children.

What Are Some Common Mistakes Made in Divorce Agreements?

You want to make sure that any agreements made during the divorce, whether they concern alimony or property distribution, are acceptable to you. No one gets everything that they want in a divorce, but your lawyer will do their best to help you argue for deals that you can be somewhat happy with. Maybe you do not get the amount of alimony you want, but you get to keep the vacation home.

There is supposed to be a lot of give and take in these negotiations, so what you do not want to do is simply sign off on whatever agreement your spouse and their attorneys come up with. You want to carefully review everything and do whatever you can to make the terms of your divorce at least slightly more favorable toward you.

How Do I Plan for Post-Divorce Life?

Many people do not take the time to plan for their post-divorce life. We understand that it can be tough to focus on that while going through a divorce, but you also need to think about how you are going to pick yourself up post-divorce. You should consider how you are going to make money, where you will live, and how you will care for your children in a new co-parenting arrangement.

Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

Another common mistake in divorce proceedings? Not hiring a lawyer of your own. Even if you and your spouse are on good terms, you should have your own legal professional on your side, someone who is going to advocate for your best interests at all times. Your lawyer can help you go over any agreements made and spot any potential issues.

Schedule Your Consultation

So if you are going through a divorce or considering starting the process, contact Butler, Giraudo & Meister, P.C. and schedule a consultation. We can tell you more about what our attorneys can do to assist you in this trying time.

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